Making a film in solitude and in conversation with others (extract), 2020, HD video, sound, 28 min 46 sec
Making a movie in solitude and in conversation with others, 2020, is a video I made during my two-month stay on Fogo Island, Canada.
A woman - the artist - drives alone in her car while contemplating ideas such as belonging, loneliness, independence, creativity, and wonders how to make a movie while she is isolated on the island.
Seeking answers to her questions, she quotes ideas and opinions from women in the field of cinema and literature, such as Claudia Rankine, Zadie Smith, Sally Rooney, Chantal Akerman, Agnès Varda, and Trinh T. Minh-ha and other.
When the ride is over, a new conversation unfolds, this time inside a house where Diane, one of the islanders, talks about her passion for icebergs. As the discussion between the two women progresses so does the search for meaning on the barren island.